Tuesday, September 05, 2006

not a daytime tv person

Okay, okay, Okay, I turned on The View just to see what all the hype was about and whether or not it was worthy of headlines and gossip columns....


Back to my manuscript/


  1. I have never liked the view. Too liberal for me and makes me agitated to watch it.

  2. I don't know what all the fuss is about either. I never watch daytime tv. I don't even watch much of it at night. I would rather read.

  3. 4 yrs ago I lost my job & thought I finally would get a chance to watch all the TV I wanted & sleep late. LOL I was up every morning at 6 am and watched 10 hr of TV all summer! Read a lot on the deck on the edge of a forest; some CSJ and others.

  4. The TV is never on during the day unless my roomy is off work. And then I make him turn it off when I get off the computer so I can read. LOL!

  5. There is never anything good on TV here at daytime, except on weekends.

  6. I don't watch daytime either-- on occasion I have flicked(the channel) to the view briefly and I am quickly remember why I don't watch-- those women are very catty--UGH! If I have time to watch to TV-- I pick up a book!
