Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Teacups Washed and Dusted

The cups and saucers are all washed and the shelf dusted. Love to admire them when they're all clean and shiny. This is only a small part of my teacup collection on a wall in my living room. Some of my favorites.


  1. Most of my cup and saucer sets are from my late MIL she had my SIL and I choose the ones we liked best..We got down to the last few and onc was a bright yellow mostly with rose in bottom..my least favored I think but I got it and LOL It is the prettiest in my china chest because of the color pop! Mine are sparkly right now too, but I do have one display case I forgot about and I could do that one.

  2. Peggy, you never know when something going to be a blessing, do you? It sounds lovely.

  3. What a beautiful display! I love collecting teacups and teapots.

  4. One of my ornery son's favorite things to do is rearrange them and then wait to see how long it takes me to notice. grrrrr

  5. How absolutely gorgeous! My daughter collects teacups and saucers and her eyes would bug out at this. She'll be over later today to enjoy Thanksgiving. I'll have to show the picture to her.

    Thanks for sharing and your son sounds so funny! :-)

  6. Connie, you daughter sounds like my kind of girl!
