Saturday, February 16, 2008

Are you watching?

What do you think so far?


  1. No, I'm not watching, even though they do show this competition on the Finnish tv. And of course there's the Finnish version...

    But you know what? I tried that paper bag thing on my cactus and guess what? It looks like there is a bud growing in my cactus.

  2. I've watched it all-though I admit to being really tired of the auditions. I'm ready for the real thing. I agree the have some great talent picked out, and I have a couple favorites already. I was glad they didn't choose a couple of folks, even with their abilities.

    it should be an interesting season.

  3. Cool, Minna! Your cactus is going to bloom! I got an unusual plant that I think is an "angel wing" from a friend's mom, and I've babied it all winter. I will have to post a pic and see if someone knows what it actually is.

    What season is it there?

    Yes, *lizzie I'm so ready for the competition. Enough of the nutballs. I was actually embarrassed when they showed people in our city/state this time.

  4. I agree with Minna and Cheryl and I'm ready for the actual competition. We'll miss this week though since we'll be in your great city Cheryl and I know my dear mother-in-law won't want to watch it.

    Wear did they get those people Cheryl?

  5. It's winter, although this has been a very strange winter. It hasn't been REALLY cold all winter. And I have never seen so many spiders on the outside making webs at winter as I have this year.

  6. I don't watch; just wait for you to keep us posted on the really great or funny, etc Many thanks!!
    Guess I'm glad I missed O/NE!

    Cheryl, I should take a picture of the shamrock plant you gave Lucky Lou last year--in time for St Pat's Day!!

  7. The plant is surviving, kinda gangly, but I haven't killed it which is a minor miracle as I have only one other living plant - a trio of poinsettias with white, pink & red blossoms. When I was young, single, had time on my hands, I grew plants from cuttings & had 50 or so in my apt.
