Friday, August 03, 2007

Winner(s) of Christmas Gold Announced!

I guess I had forgotten from last time how many of you still need copies of this anthology. Ladies, I am pulling a few strings to put a few more of these into your hands, so stay tuned, check back, and in a short time I think I can get a few more to you.

For now I DID manage to find one more online! So...I drew names just now and that copy will go to....

Karen W ! Karen, it's being mailed directly to you from the person I got it from, so watch for it in a week or two.

And this one in my hot little hands goes to....

Barb, for her Aunt Lola.

Barb, I need a snail mail address, please. I don't have you in my book.
Send to me at

So, for now, those are the Christmas Gold winners, but don't give know I LOVE MY BLOG BUDDIES!


  1. Thanks so much, Cheryl! I'm thrilled to come home from a hard day at work to such great news! And thanks, Betsy. I'm excited!

  2. Congrats Barb and Karen!
