Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our First Cukes!

Look! Jay went out and discovered these in the bucket I had surrounding the cucumber plant. It must have flowered in there first and they grew in the bucket. How funny is that? He pulled out a ton of pumpkin vines that I just let grow as volunteers from last year. They were trying to choke the cukes. Guess what we're having for lunch?


  1. yeah I am so happy for you. It is nice to have home grown vegs if you can. Hope lunch was good.

  2. Great cucumbers. Bet they were good. :)

  3. I LUV cucumber sandwiches! Lunch was so good I ran to the Yutan stand and bought tomatoes and corn on the cob for supper. I thawed out bacon real quick and we're having a summer feast.

  4. I love cucumber salad-- YUM! I love summer produce! Congrats in your first cuke harvest!

  5. My grandfather used to grow so many veggies he gave them away to everyone. I sure miss those days and him! Your cukes look wonderful. I love them in salads.
