Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mia, the grand-dog


  1. What a cutie! I'm trying to talk Dennis into letting me have a dog. We've only had 2 dogs in over 28 years of married life. They both lived 14 years. Our Annie died last fall. It seems so strange not to have that unconditional love that a dog gives, waiting when you return home. The argument is that we travel too much to have a dog anymore. :-(

  2. he he-- I second Betsy-- she is a cutie!

  3. What a precious dog. She is so adorable.

  4. She is very cute. I had a dog when we first got married and her name was Mia she was a miniature dachshund short haired. I really miss her.

  5. She is so cute! My grand-dog is a poodle named Sam.
