Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Blake Lewis rocks the house - again!


  1. May have to start watching or at least taping AI. Recognized Bon Jovi and agree with him, 3 judges, signs in audience, and YOU, Blake ROCKS and his "massive risk" paid off. (But I don't know the song even though it must be very popular- give his rendition a 100- AB score) I look forward to hearing more of his music, like the one who sings "Jesus Take the Wheel"-- Carrie Underwood (thank Heaven for google-drew a blank on her name!)

  2. Frankly, I wasn't a big Carrie Underwood fan. Still not. I never voted for her. She's "okay," as Simon would say. LOL

  3. Like that song, haven't heard anything else she's done & never saw her on TV as I didn't follow AI, then or now; just heard about it every day at work as a close Christian friend was a BIG fan of the show, as well as my arch enemy.

  4. had to sign in 3-4 times again just to post; this is getting OLD!!
    may have to consult with either young adult son if I can ever catch one free.
