Saturday, January 05, 2008

A peek at our darlings

I don't think I ever showed you this picture of us with all our babies. We enjoyed them so much over the holidays. We kept it simple and enjoyed time together. Erin had her wisdom teeth out yesterday, poor baby. School starts on Monday!


  1. Great picture Cheryl. You're way ahead of be on grandbabies. Aren't they the best. Too bad we can't be grandparents first to learn to enjoy every moment with them.

  2. I hear ya, Betsy. I never knew how "great" it would be to be a grandparent. You can spoil them shamelessly and feed them goodies, play with them, and when you're pooped, you send them home. Or leave. And you love them every bit as much as your own precious babies.

    And YOU are their favorite people!
    It's awesome.

    I had three of them today. They came to church with me and home for lunch - that's our usual routine - sometimes I cook, sometimes we eat out together. Alexis helped me make lunch and serve and clean up while the boys played Playstation, and later we all played Apples to Apples. together.

  3. How fun for you! I whine way too much about how far away my babies are, but so many of my friends have their grandchildren close by that it's hard not to be jealous.

    We had a great week at Christmas though, spoiling them rotten. Caleb will be one on Feb. 2 so we'll be driving to Helena, MT to celebrate. It won't be long before I get another Grandma fix!

    Hopefully the snow will let up by then. We had 18 days of snow in December and at least 4 days so far in January. I don't like to drive the mountain passes in weather like this.

  4. What a wonderful pictue! Is that 'E' making the silly face? He's so cute. He reminds me of my own little guy.

    Grandparents are wonderful! My kids adore their grandma.

  5. Yep, that's Elijah making the face. It was one of them in every picture, and this was the best. I need to learn Photoshop, eh? LOL
