Saturday, January 05, 2008

American Idol 2-Night Season Premiere Jan. 15 & 16 8/7c

Are you ready for a new season of American Idol? Can you BELIEVE this is season SEVEN?? The only season I didn't watch was the first, because I was working those nights, but in case you're new here, I'm an avid fan. I gave up on Survivor a couple of years ago, and I never did get into the Amazing Race, so this is my reality competition fix.

And yes, I vote.

Can anyone name my other two must watch shows?


  1. I love 30 Rock. I usually miss it because it's on during bath/ homework time.

    I have not seen a SINGLE episode of American Idol. I don't know why. It's just never come up. I've also never seen Survivor.

  2. Love American Idol. We're excited to have it begin again.

  3. AWESOME! Another AI fan!

    We'll be talking....

  4. I caught the end of the pilot for Bones the other night and thought of you- one of your other two?

    Like Rebecca, not seen AI nor survivor (not into reality shows) but I heard reviews of AI every day at work so was aware of Carrie Underwood.

  5. BINGO! Bones is one of my must watch shows!
