Monday, December 10, 2007

Straight, No Chaser: *lizzie found this!

Men's Accapella

thank's *lizzie! Loved this!


  1. THANKS *Lizziefor sharing your find! I recognize the other tunes and appreciate the fun of the dreidel song and the African American man who got "to spend Christmas in Africa" God does have a sense of humor!

  2. Particularly apppreciate timeliness of this as I just heard acapella men's choir present their Christmas concert 2 Sun ago, along with several church choirs and handbells.

    Takes a lot of talent and precision to make intentional mistakes-- our drama class did that recently, a play within a play, comedic take-off of Romeo & Juliet done as Southern hill-billies. They got 2nd place (drama usually trumps comedies in competition!)
