Monday, December 31, 2007

How to do nothing at work and still get paid

I saw this months ago and thought it was hilarious, so I found it again today, since many are working today on New Year's Eve. I know a couple of people like this, don't you?


  1. Oh my goodness I know people that. I am amazed how they get away with it.

  2. I like how it's just as much work to NOT work!

  3. Happy New Year to all you fellow bloggers. Cheryl I am wishing you a Happy New Year too.

  4. Yes, I was one of those people at work today! And no, I didn't have time to pretend to have nothing to do. That looks like a lot more work than to just do the job. Happy New Year everyone!

  5. Happy New Year to Cheryl and ALL!

    We had a male substitute teacher who read the newspaper while we 3 para educators taught the 3 to 9 students in high school. What kind of message does that send?!?

    I think a reason my regular teacher isn't fond of me is because I often ask her what else I can do; being idle is boring.
