Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Tree Tour: London's Trafalgar Square

A token of gratitude for Britain's aid during World War II, the Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square has beenthe annual gift of the people of Norway since 1947.

Now there's a gift that keeps on giving!


  1. Cheryl,

    I haven't said much lately...mostly lurking...but thought I should let you know HOW MUCH I've enjoyed the Christmas tree tour. It's a great idea, and each day I have looked forward to the new photo. I hope you'll have a wonderful holiday.

    Magdalena (trying to figure out what is wrong with ONE string of lights on her tree)

  2. Thank you SO much! It's a crazy busy time of year. so special thanks for stopping by regularly and letting me know you've enjoyed the trees.

    It's always that ONE string! I had a row on my prelit tree go out - it's so laden with ornaments, I just found a couple 20 strings and draped them on. LOL

    Merry Christmas!

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