Thursday, August 28, 2008

3rd Grade Postcard Hunt

We haven't done this for a few years, but it's once again time for a POSTCARD HUNT! I actually love these school projects and enjoy seeing the kids get excited about mail. Remember mail? LOL

Anyway, Elijah's Postcard Hunt is not an individual competition, but a class project, and their goal is to receive as many postcards from as many different places as they can. I'm calling upon your kindness to make this happen.

If you'd like to help Elijah's 3rd grade class, please pick up a postcard when you're out and about, at home or traveling, and mail it to:

Willowdale Elementary
Mrs. Petta's Class
16901 P Street
Omaha, NE 68135

You know I will post pictures later in the school year!


  1. I'll put a postcard in the mail tomorrow.

  2. YEAH!! A postmark from Finland! They will be thrilled.

    ELijah told his teacher: "Get ready. My gramma has a lot of freinds!"


    Smooches, Minna!
