Tuesday, January 02, 2007

As Minds Age, What's Next? Brain Calisthenics

Science is not sure yet, but across the country, brain health programs are springing up, offering the possibility of a cognitive fountain of youth.

click here to read more


  1. HAHAHAHAHA! What will they come up with next?

    I like my brain just the way it is...there is nothing wrong with forgetting who you are every now and then :_)

    Billie Jo

  2. I could use some brain help. My memory is terrible. Did you see the article came out of Providence, RI? I'm about an hour from there, Cheryl. Maybe not even that far.....
    I'm reading an after breast cancer magazine and they are now saying chemo can mess up your brain. Nice.

  3. I think reading helps keep your brain active.

  4. Hmmm...interesting.

    One of my favorite quotes that I had posted on my dorm room in college is:
    "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." - Sir Richard Steele

  5. BJ--my mind used to be like a computer & a steel trap; now it's like a sieve. One plus to forgetting things is I finally am forgetting some of the negative things that have happened.

  6. I wish I could forget the negative things. *sigh*

  7. Use it or lose it! Gaming companies are even getting into the act with adult brain games for hand held video game systems.

  8. I guess I'm not the only one that keeps forgetting things! lol

  9. Thanks for the laugh!

    I had a teacher in highschool that told me that the more you learn the more ignorant you become...I'm still pondering and considering if I believe this.

  10. Reading is definitely good excerise for the brain!..if only they considered that in P.E. :)

  11. Hey, I didn't let it stop me Kathleen. I took a book with me out on the playground in elementary school...and read during some PE classes. The teachers didn't seem to care.
