Friday, December 30, 2005

Hello Mary Lou, Goodbye Heart

I've been shopping to selectively spend some of my Christmas money. Just before Christmas I bought myself an Alphasmart. It's a lightweight little keyboard with a Word processor that I can carry anywhere. It holds eight files and plenty of text, so I can work on various projects. Once you've written your text, you simply download it via a USB connection, and it flows right into your open text document on your PC. I love it! You can check them out at They still have the 3000 on sale this month. It's a steal, actually!

What I needed was the perfect bag to store and carry my Alphie in, and I found one yesterday. A stylish leather bag that looks like a purse, and it has pockets for notebooks or research, the cord, a phone, etc..

Also bought myself a bracelet. Okay, one teeny weeny piece of jewelry for all of Christmas wasn't bad at all. And...please hold your laughter...the new Ricky Nelson Greatest Hits CD. I listened all afternoon today and was swept back to my youth by that seductive voice. "Everlovin' your my one desire, Everlovin' you set my heart afire. Everlovin' I'll be ever lovin' you."

I'll be watching for the coat sales next. And maybe one more teeny weeny piece of jewelry....

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore Ricky Nelson!!! Does that show my age??

    Martha Lawson
