Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ode to Spring


Spring, spring, where art thou Spring?
I have my trowel and my old my shirt.
I got frostbite out in the dirt.


  1. That's a beautiful picture. You should frame it! I went out one day to do some yardwork but it cold again!!!

  2. Blogspot would let Lou post today. She wanted to say:

    Nebraska, blizzard & 80 degrees in the same March!
    Yes, a great picture!
    I used to have 50 indoor plants when I was single and had time to grow from cuttings. Don't do any yard work now; would love to have some lilacs, pussy willows and a rock garden.
    The only flowers we have are peonies, roses & crocuses the previous owner left and 3 that friends gave us to transplant (lilies & 2 I don't recall names of.)

  3. Lets see if this one works I had to change my account again so I am using another name. Of course you will know who it is by the name. LOL

    I love your garden, and I agree with Carol it would make a great picture for the wall.

  4. Lou I have my resume on ruff draft I will be emailing you it to help set it up and I am sure I made a ton of mistakes with it. If you would like to still help that would be great. I am not sure if Cheryl told you but I have been really busy with my Dad so that is why it has taken me this long. Thanks again all of you for giving me encouragement to get it done.
