Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snowy Sunday

No church today. Nebraskans are shoveling. Jay helped a young couple move into their first home yesterday -- just in time.

Who's that boy in the layers of coats and hats? I dressed him warm!

Kristin got a new computer yesterday. She's a My Space addict, so no more kicking her away from my desk. Whoo hoo! She figured out how to rout the modem so we both have digital high speed. Smart girly. The good news for me: She has a cordless mouse and keyboard she likes, so I got her spankin' new keyboard! I love new keyboards. Have I mentioned I wear them out? I'm not on my 3rd for this PC and it's not that old. I wear off the letters and sometimes even make indentations on the keys.

Nobody can say I'm not pounding those keys! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Picture reminds me of snow angels, sledding, iceskating, skiing & snowball fights in my youth! NOW it means sleeping til noon, French toast & OJ, & relaxing joy of reading Victoria Alexander with a lovely view of the snowy woods. Who says Black (or brown) & White is out of style?? 2nd x to miss church in 6 wks; after so many "winters that weren't" it is nice to see the fluffy white stuff when you don't have to be somewhere. Drove in it Sat night to Omaha & back after a church dinner celebration; saw 6 vehicles in ditch or side of the road. Thank Heaven for good Samaritans who stopped for 2 of them & for cell phone to keep in touch with DH. Prayers were answered for safe travel.
    Neighbor had a tree fall in their driveway; luckily, cars in garage & returned her company car just before storm hit. He had it all cut up & finishing shoveling when Buddy Lee & I walked by.
