Sunday, January 11, 2009


This colored photo is of my beautiful grandmother, Melissa, who loved me well.

This other pic is my beautiful great-grandmother, Preadie, whose wedding ring I never take off.

Magdalena mentioned she has a grandmother's wedding ring that is too big. This one is too big for a finger, but I wear it on my thumb with a couple others.


  1. Great pictures, Cheryl! I too have the wedding band of one of my grandmothers. It's so pretty, but too big for me, so I wear it on a chain as a necklace.

    It brings back memories to see the "colored" photo. Studio pictures from my childhood were touched up that way. Rosy cheeks for everyone!

    Are you re-doing a photo album, or just in a picture mood? I love photographs--thank you for sharing yours!

  2. No, these photos are all digital on CDs that my cousin Diana made and shared with me and other family members. She's great at searching out and saving family history.

    My mom has a lot of the colored photos, too.
