Thursday, March 29, 2007

remember gun wrapper chains?

I remember chewing Doublemint and Juicyfruit just to get more wrappers for my chain when I was a kid. I had a really long one that I stored in coils. I can still remember how good it smelled. I remember how to make them to this day. This woman enjoys the craft and actually makes thngs out of them. Amazing isn't it?


  1. Deja Vu! I only made a short chain and being directionally dyslexic, it would be a miracle if I remembered the pattern.
    That woman is as talented as CSJ!!

  2. I remember doing that in junior high school! It was fun but I have no idea now how it's done! lol

  3. wow that's cool-- very talented!

  4. Wow! Cool! I'm waiting a Finnish book called "The New Life of Coffee Bag" to arrive to the library. There was an interview of the writer on TV and she had this cool bag and knight's armor for a kid -all made out of coffee bags. Now I don't drink coffee, but since everyone else in my family drinks it, I might try making that bag.
