Friday, November 03, 2006

book chat

I've had a couple of requests to do chats about books. RAIN SHADOW was the first one mentioned, so we'll see how it goes.

We'll start the chat next week, giving people time to read it if it's in their TBR pile or review if need be.

I'll do my best to give you insight and inside information on how the book came about. If there's enough interest, we'll do another book later.


  1. OOhh...I don't have that one...hmmm...looks interesting though.


  2. I don't have a copy of that book either but I always like to hear how an author comes up with her ideas.

  3. Forgot to say I would love to have The Doctor's Wife! :)

  4. I have this book!! woohoo!!!! I have so many questions!!!! can't wait! Thanks Cheryl!

  5. Love insight & inside info! Started reading last night, up to page 130, earmarked 23 pages & made a few notes to jog my memory so I'll be ready. Haven't been in a book study group other than the Bible since middle school so look forward to this with all your wonderful loyal readers.

  6. I think this is the first one that my mom and I read. That seems so long ago.

  7. Cheryl, just read in your 2005 blog that Rain Shadow comes AFTER Heaven Can Wait. Sh/couldn't we chat HCW first to help those who haven't read either to help keep characters in order? Of course I'd have to read it again and am nearly done with RS. Up to you, with input from the rest of your loyal fans.
